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Projet ANR FireCaster | UMR SPE 6134
Numerical Wildfire 2021
Numerical WildFire 2021 - 15 au 19 Novembre 2021  IESC Cargese
Download the  Book of abstracts (pdf) 
Program includes links to video recorded presentations

The Numerical Wildfire 2021 workshop is specifically focused onlarge wildfire events, gathering scientists to synthesize approaches that can provide pragmatic answers to current problems with tools that can be made available rapidly- i.e. within 1-2 years - to decision makers.

Contribution en Français (pour les autres, utiliser la fonction sous-titres) :

Monday November 15 : Welcome and plumes

9-12 : Participant welcome - Coffee - Bedroom dispatch
13 - 14 - Lunch at site
14 - 16 - Resolving plumes and pollution. (Chair P.A. Santoni)

Tuesday 16 : Models and codes

9 - 11 : Models, from fire behaviour to fire/atmosphere - (Chair J.H. Balbi)

16 - 18 : Forecasting fuel state, from surface to fuel models (Chair Y. Perez-Ramirez)

Wednesday 17 : Experiments and data
            9 - 11 : Experiments and real fire data. From WUI to Megafire (Chair R. Paugam)

16 - 18 : Model driven experiments and event reanalysis.   (Chair A. Costes)


Thursday 18 : Uncertainty and Risk - Night : Social Event 

9 - 11 :  Mapping and forecasting fire danger, toward high resolution risk forecast (Chair A. Belgodère)

16 - 18 : Current trends in AI and weather danger forecasting (C.Paoli)

Friday 19 : Review of existing tools and Decision support systems, exchange with practitioners.

9 - 11 :  Current tools explained and next generation wildfire Decision Support Systems  (Chair J.B. Filippi)

  • Clements Craig (SJSU USA) - A fire weather specialist in California 


VENUE  IESC Cargese is located by the coast, one hour from Ajaccio Airport in Corsica.  https://iesc.universita.corsica



- Antoine Belgodère, (LISA, Corte)

- Jean Baptiste Filippi, (SPE, Corte)

- Christine Lac (CNRM, Toulouse)                                      

- Jean François Leon  (LA, Toulouse)                                                                    

- Vivien Mallet (INRIA, Paris)                      

- Mélanie Rochoux (CERFACS, Toulouse)


Antoine Belgodère

 Associate Professor 


 Université de Corse

Jean Baptiste Filippi 

 Chargé de Recherche au CNRS 


 Université de Corse


Some Pictures : 















































The workshop is supported by the ANR the Bushfire initiative of the Australian-French Association for Research and Innovation (AFRAN) Inc.


Page mise à jour le 04/07/2024 par JEAN-BAPTISTE FILIPPI