Program includes links to video recorded presentations
The Numerical Wildfire 2021 workshop is specifically focused onlarge wildfire events, gathering scientists to synthesize approaches that can provide pragmatic answers to current problems with tools that can be made available rapidly- i.e. within 1-2 years - to decision makers.
- Michele Salis (CNR - Italia) - Application of wildfire simulation modeling for wildfire risk assessment and management in Mediterranean areas (En Français)
- Francois Pimont (INRAE) - Prediction of regional wildfire activity in the probabilistic Bayesian framework of Firelihood(En Français)
- Mathieu Regimbeau / Romaric Cinotti (Météo-France) - Le système de prévision incendie opérationnel en France (En Français)
- Jean-Baptiste Filippi (Firecaster) - Resultats prototypes opérationnels Firecaster (En Français)
Monday November 15 : Welcome and plumes
9-12 : Participant welcome - Coffee - Bedroom dispatch
13 - 14 - Lunch at site
14 - 16 - Resolving plumes and pollution. (Chair P.A. Santoni)
- Benjamin Truchot (Ineris) - Modélisation du panache de particules de plomb issu de l'incendie de la cathédrale Notre-Dame
- Roberta Baggio (CNRS SPE) - Investigation on fire plume simulation using meso scale atmospheric model
- Alexis Coppalle (Coria) - Emission measurements of gases (CO, NOx, CH4, NMHT) and particles during combustion of several types of wood
- Pierre Tulet (LAero) - Resultats programme STRAP panache volcaniques
- Adam Kochanski (SJSU - USA) - Leveraging coupled fire atmosphere modeling for local-scale smoke simulations
Tuesday 16 : Models and codes
9 - 11 : Models, from fire behaviour to fire/atmosphere - (Chair J.H. Balbi)
- Frédéric Allaire (Firecaster) - Generation and calibration of wildfire simulation ensemble
- Jean-Baptiste Filippi - Balbi Jacque-Henri (Firecaster) - FireCaster code and API -
- Adam Kochanski (SJSU - USA) - Operational assimilation of IR perimeters and satellite fire detections into a coupled fire- atmosphere model
- Aurélien Costes (Cerfacs) - The coupled Blaze/MesoNH code
16 - 18 : Forecasting fuel state, from surface to fuel models (Chair Y. Perez-Ramirez)
- Yolanda Perez-Ramirez (Firecaster) - Parametrisation of the FireCaster Fuel Description System
- William Antolin (CNRM - Météo-France) - PhD-Preview On the use of Surfex to compute fuel moisture
- Masson Valéry (CNRM - Météo-France) - An overview of SURFEX
- Carmen Awad (Università di Corsica) - Test of a non-propagation criterion under no slope and calm wind conditions
- Vera Egorova ( - Predicting the arrival of the unpredictable: An approach for predicting the transition to chaos in wildfire propagation
Wednesday 17 : Experiments and data
9 - 11 : Experiments and real fire data. From WUI to Megafire (Chair R. Paugam)
- Clements Craig (SJSU USA) - Peeking inside megafire
- Ronan Paugam (Polytechnic Catalunya - Spain) - Computing High Resolution Fire Behavior Metrics from Prescribed Burn using Handheld Airborne Thermal Camera Observations
- Rui Salgado (University of Evora - Portugal) - Simulation of Pedrógão Grande wildfire and atmospheric electricity
- Karina Meerpoel-Pietri (Università di Corsica) - Examination of WFDS to model the burning of a reconstructed hedge at laboratory scale
16 - 18 : Model driven experiments and event reanalysis. (Chair A. Costes)
- Jean-Baptiste Filippi - (Firecaster) - HD weather review of the 2017 fire season in Corsica
- Aurélien Costes (Cerfacs) - A reanalysis of FF1 using Compressible Meso-NH
- Francois Pimont (INRAE) - FF1 reanalysis using Firetec
- Bruno Guillaume (Effectis) - How does FDS model simulate the vertical fire propagation in isolated trees under atmospheric conditions?
- Carla Scarpa (CNR - Italia) - An overview of the wildfire regime at Wildland-Urban Interfaces in Sardinia
Thursday 18 : Uncertainty and Risk - Night : Social Event
9 - 11 : Mapping and forecasting fire danger, toward high resolution risk forecast (Chair A. Belgodère)
- Liliana Del Giudice (CNR - Italia) - Methodology and results of fuel type and model mapping in the Italy-France Maritime cooperation area
- Antoine Belgodère (Firecaster) - The Shape of the Marginal Cost of the Duration of a WildFire. An insight from simulations in Corsica
- Frédéric Allaire (FireCaster) - Deriving hourly burn probabilities from simulation
- Francois Pimont (INRAE) - Prediction of regional wildfire activity in the probabilistic Bayesian framework of Firelihood
- Laura Serra (Universitat Girona - Spain) Different methodological approaches applied to wildfires
16 - 18 : Current trends in AI and weather danger forecasting (C.Paoli)
- Laure Raynaud (Météo-France) - Overview of the Poesy Program
- Jean-François Muzy (CNRS - Saphir) - Overview of the Saphir Program
- Allaire Frédéric (Firecaster) - Neural network emulation of widfire simulation
- Aniel Jardines (U.Madrid Spain) - Applying LSTM to High Resolution Numerical Weather Products for Convection Prediction
- Nicolas Poiron-Guidoni (Università di Corsica) - Deep hierarchical reinforcement learning to manage the trade-off between sustainability and profitability in common pool resources systems
Friday 19 : Review of existing tools and Decision support systems, exchange with practitioners.
9 - 11 : Current tools explained and next generation wildfire Decision Support Systems (Chair J.B. Filippi)
VENUE IESC Cargese is located by the coast, one hour from Ajaccio Airport in Corsica.
- Antoine Belgodère, (LISA, Corte)
- Jean Baptiste Filippi, (SPE, Corte)
- Christine Lac (CNRM, Toulouse)
- Jean François Leon (LA, Toulouse)
- Vivien Mallet (INRIA, Paris)
- Mélanie Rochoux (CERFACS, Toulouse)
Antoine Belgodère
Associate Professor
Université de Corse
Jean Baptiste Filippi
Chargé de Recherche au CNRS
Université de Corse